Saturday, May 24, 2008

Change? No thanks.

This blog has become more sporadic than daily, but hopefully this summer, I will start blogging daily again.
So yesterday was the last day of school. Ever year at the first day of school, I agonize over the dreadful months to come of school and can only dream of the last day of school where I will be free to sleep in and lounge at home until my heart's content. However, I feel quite differently at the end of the school year. I only wish to go back to that first day of school and appreciate the school year to come, but that never happens. I do not think that I have gone a school year without saying, 'this is the worst week of my life' or 'this is the worst day of my life'. Thinking back on some of those weeks and days, they truly were not that bad. Some weeks deserved that saying more than others, but maybe it was just us being dramatic when we felt stressed.
So sophomore year is over and I still cannot believe it. It felt like yesterday that the scorching hot heat on the first day of school was killing us and all we wanted was to crawl back into bed. It felt like just yesterday when formal was all we could talk about and who was going with who. This school year zoomed right by, and I never expected it to be over so quickly. I do not really know how I would sum up this school year.
Maybe it is just me, but I think change is one of the worst things EVER. That sounds really dramatic. haha. Honestly, I have hated change ever since I was little. Even when I knew it was for the better, I never like to make changes. For instance, taking new classes next year. I have had, and still am, struggling over the decision to take APUSH or AP Chinese. I wish someone would make me take the classes without me choosing, because if I make the mistake of taking the class that is going to overwhelm me, who do I have to blame besides me. It is so much easier for me to say, 'gosh, why did the school have to put me in this class', rather than saying, 'gosh, why did I choose this class'.
Yesterday was the the strangest last day of school I have had. I wish people had not left early. I had fun with Danny and Athena playing with cups and rings. We wanted to originally turn off the lights and play hide-and-seek, but we thought that might be a little bit too dangerous. It did not feel like the last day of school. No one was sad, no one cried, and it was not hot. Even though those are the worst components that make up the last day of school, they are what actually make it feel like the last day of school. Maybe it is because we know we are gonna see each other in a couple days when we head for New York, so maybe we will feel sad when we come back and it truly hits us how long it will be when we see each other again.
I cannot believe that next year we are going to be juniors. We seem to be getting so old, so fast. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time in order to savor the moment.

1 comment:

Melissa Yam said...

Me too Rosanna. Freeze time. Yes, if only.