Thursday, January 1, 2009

Where Has the Time Gone?

So today officially marks the first day of 2009. Time for new beginnings and new resolutions. It seems like every year everyone strives to make a fresh start and be a better person, and I am one of those people. However, I never seem to follow through on my resolutions. Oh well, at least I will have resolutions for 2010.
It is strange. It is 2009. Everytime I hear that, I feel so old. This year, we are turning 17, we are taking SATs, and next year, WE ARE GRADUATING. We always say to ourselves that we are still lightyears away from graduation, but that isn't true anymore. Soon we are all going to be going our separate ways for college. Doesn't that just sound so scary? It seems like 2008 just whized right by, and it still feels like 2008.
Is it me, or is time passing by very quickly?

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