Sunday, March 30, 2008


No matter what I am doing, I always manage to get distracted. This whole spring break I kept telling myself that I would work on my research paper and that I had all the time in world, but now it is Sunday night and I barely have an outline done. I mean, it isn't due tomorrow or anything, but I really wish that I would have more than what I have done. I also told myself that I would study, but that has not gone so well either. I don't know why I get distracted so easily when I have to work on these types of projects. Maybe it is the fact that I would rather be doing something fun than working on the project. I have even tried forcing myself to work, but that ends with me just staring at a book without taking in any of the content. I have all these stacks books lying open in front of me as a reminder to work, but right now they are serving more the purpose of a wall than information for a research paper.


Justin Li said...

Reminds me of an old quote...but its a guy thing, bah. This spring break I was the same, I so wanted to finish my driver ed worksheets. =(

Candice Lui said...

Don't worry Rosanna, you're not as bad as me. I'm like the queen of distraction and procrastination haha. I tend to do things last minute and sometimes my work is incomplete.

Jasmine Lee said...

Hi! I know what you are talking about. The books just sit there and collect dust. Procrastination is an interesting topic. I might blog about it also. Do your work, easier said than done. Have a nice day!
