Sunday, August 24, 2008

Time To Do It All Over Again.

So summer ended this week and school started. This summer I fretted about how terrible the school year was going to be and how it was going to be stressful, but it has surpassed my expectations so far. Seeing everyone back at school again and seeing friends between classes is what makes it truly feel like school again. The strange thing is that it feels like we never left school. It feels like we just went on Spring Break and are finally coming back to school. Maybe it is because this year, teachers do not spend the entire first week going into logistics and procedures, they just go over it briefly and dive right into learning. In a way, it is nice that we do not have to go through that dreaded first week of school feeling and making that terrible adjustment from summer to school. I am kinda excited to see what this school year will bring and what will happen, but I am also terrified to see what will come this year. All the standardized tests and maintaining good grades for college is just too overwhelming to think about.

1 comment:

Melissa Yam said...

Seriously, did summmer even happen?

I'm glad you're not overwhelmed Rosanna haha. The hyperventilating-y OMGOSH I'M GOING TO DIE feelings are all coming back to me. It's really not good for my health. Especially bio. I just tried the Chapter 3 hw packet; who knew water can be so difficult -_-.