Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm the Richest Man on Earth

NOT! I am probably the furthest thing from the richest man on Earth, but during these economic times where everyone cringes at the thought of the stock market falling just a few more points and shudders at the thought of their retirement fund, I have been wondering, what does it feel like to be the richest man or Earth, or at least to rank in the top 10?
What does it feel like to be Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, or the Vanderbilts? Even Donald Trump will do. Just to live life for a day where money is not an issue and where my last name will reap benefits that no average person has ever amassed sounds good to me. That just seems absolutely delightful. I would like to walk into a room with a last name that will turn heads. Then again, do I really want everything to come so easily? A part of me says yes, but another part of me would want to work for what I earn.
So returning to my original point, how would it feel to not have to worry about money during these economic times? Bill Gates and Warren Buffet both have millions if not billions in their bank accounts and a net worth of more than I will ever make in my lifetime. In my head, I just don't see what you can do with all that money, but I know that they have both worked hard to build their wealth. Anywho, of course both men have not been immune to the recession, and Gates even faces the possibility of having layoffs at Microsoft. Yeah, his Microsoft stock may dip a bit, but when it all comes down to it at the end of the day, he still has millions in his bank account. Yes, I know that losing a few million dollars in the span of a few days is a lot, and is quite frankly enough to make my head spin, but I would just want to know how it feels to not have that worry about money.
It isn't that I feel bitter or jealous that they have more money than I do, even though they do, but it is that I wonder about their feeling of security. How does it feel to know that regardless of how the economy twists and turns, you will still be financially secure?
On another note, how good would it make you feel to know you are the richest man on the planet? As selfish as it might sound, I know that it would make me feel good.